
How To Upgrade to a New Version

Aleph is under active development. We release new Aleph versions with bugfixes, stability improvements, and new features. We recommend that you always run a recent version of Aleph. This guide describes how to upgrade a production Aleph instance to a new version.

Do you want to upgrade your local development environment? Follow the steps in the Getting Started section.


  1. Before you upgrade to a new Aleph version, create a backup of all your data. Make sure that you’re backup process is reliable and that you are able to successfully restore data from your backups.

  2. We publish new releases on our GitHub releases page. In some cases, new Aleph versions may include breaking changes that include additional, manual steps in order to upgrade. We will add a warning to the release notes in such cases, so make sure you read and understand the release notes.

Docker Compose

If you have deployed Aleph using Docker Compose, follow these steps:

  1. Review changes to the docker-compose.yml of the Aleph version you want to upgrade to. Make sure to sure what these changes mean, then apply the changes to your custom docker-compose.yml configuration file. This includes changing the Aleph version number in docker-compose.yml to the version you’d like to upgrade to.

  2. Pull new versions of the container images:

    docker compose pull --parallel
  3. Stop all containers:

    docker compose down
  4. Start all services:

    docker compose up -d redis postgres elasticsearch
  5. Wait for a minute or two until all services have started. Then run database migrations:

    docker compose run --rm shell aleph upgrade
  6. Finally, start all containers:

    docker compose up -d


If you have deployed Aleph using Kubernetes, follow these steps:

  1. For every Aleph release, we also publish a new version of the Aleph Helm chart. Make sure you pull the corresponding version of the Aleph Helm chart.

  2. Upgrade the Helm release to the latest version. This will automatically run database migrations.