
How To Translate the Aleph UI

Do you want to contriute to existing translations or even add support for a new language? This guide explains how to translate the Aleph user interface.

Manage translations using Transifex

We use Transifex to manage translations for Aleph. All translations are created in the Transifex web app.

  1. Create a Transifex account.
  2. Apply to join the Aleph organization on Transifex.
  3. Most of the user interface messages are translated in the aleph-ui project on Transifex. However, the aleph-api and followthemoney projects do also contain messages that need to be translated. If you want to add support for a new language, add this language to each of these projects in Transifex.

  4. In each of the Transifex projects, select the respective language and add translations for all messages.

Syncing translations with Transifex

After translations in Transifex have been updated, you need to fetch them from Transifex and commit them in the respective repositories of the Aleph GitHub organizations. Fetching the latest translations is usually done as part of the release process.

The information in this section may be outdated.

  1. Install the Transifex CLI. Follow the instructions in the Transifex documentation.

  2. Create a Transifex API key and add it as the TX_TOKEN environment variable.

  3. Follow the steps in the Aleph and FollowTheMoney repositories to fetch translations.